Some excellent advice from a major award-winning artist
Here’s how you can develop and improve your painting skills. It absolutely helps to achieve this in an inspiring location where all you need to do is to focus on your art!
Renowned Australian artist Peter Wegner
Dedicated time
Give yourself the gift of dedicated time to hone your art practice. Spare time won't magically appear—you have to create it. Plan and define some intentional 'me-time' to focus on your passion well away from daily distractions.
Expert advice and guidance
Expert tuition will elevate your practice through personalized teaching and feedback.
A well-qualified and experienced professional artist can answer all your questions, big and small—whether it's 'how do I...', 'when should I...', ‘does this look resolved…’ or 'which is the best...'.
We all know how hard it can be to find creative inspiration when daily chores and responsibilities dominate our thoughts and time. Now, imagine having the freedom to focus entirely on your art. Picture yourself in an idyllic, relaxed environment where everything is taken care of for you, allowing you to focus on developing and creating art.
Richness of subject matter
Immerse yourself in a setting with a richness of subject matter. You'll find endless inspiration in the right environment. Whether it's diving deeper into your favorite themes or exploring new subjects and perspectives.
Encouragement and collaboration
Surround yourself with like-minded people aiming to achieve the same goals. Mutual support, constructive feedback and encouragement go a long way in supporting your practice.
Sharing meals and down-time together strengthens the value of the support and provides time to collaborate on ideas.
The results and rewards will speak for themselves.
We've witnessed many artists who have integrated all five of these steps rolled into one, gaining results beyond their expectations; from developing an impressive body of work for solo and group exhibitions to selling their art internationally. They've discovered new ways to translate and apply the skills gained,. Beginner painters gained skills and confidence to continue their practice.
Beyond the creative benefits gained a whole range of social and cultural flow-on benefits leave a long-lasting, heart-warming impression.
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